An undergraduate degree is usually the first step you take in pursuing a college education. Find out more about how to start or finish your degree online through ODUGlobal.
An ODU graduate wearing a graduation cap and gown smiles in the sunlight near ODU's lion fountain.

What's an undergraduate degree? Is it the same as a bachelor's? How long does it take to complete an undergrad?

If these questions have crossed your mind, you're not alone. There are many levels of degrees -- and keeping them all in order can get confusing.

There are four general types of degrees: associate degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctoral degree. An undergraduate degree can be an associate or a bachelor's, and it's usually the first step you take in pursuing a college education.

Keep reading to learn more about the different degrees.

Bachelor's Degree

In most cases, a bachelor's degree takes four years to complete. But if you've previously taken college courses, you may be able to apply your credits, which can accelerate your degree completion.

Taking online classes can give you more flexibility to work on your degree at your own pace. With ODUGlobal, you can earn your bachelor's degree fully online

Here are just some popular programs:

You might consider adding a minor if you're interested in learning about another area of study. A minor can help you use skills related to your major and expand your career opportunities after graduation.

ODU offers many fully online minors, including (but not limited to):

Get in touch to learn more about our programs!

Master's Degree

After you've finished your bachelor's degree, you can begin your master's degree.

Depending on your area of study, a master's degree can take one to three years to complete. An online graduate program gives you the option to move forward with your studies no matter where you are. Explore our list of master's degree programs.

You may also have the option to work on your graduate degree part-time or through an accelerated program. With these flexible options, you can complete your degree on a schedule that works for you.

Doctoral Degree

A doctoral degree is the highest level of education you can complete. An advanced degree can allow you to practice research and gain practical knowledge to prepare you for leadership in your field.

Here is a list of online doctoral programs at ODU. 

Become an online student today!

Are you ready to start or finish your bachelor's degree? Reach out to learn more about completing your education.

And if you're not ready to be a student yet, you can get in touch when the timing is right for you. In the meantime, we're here to answer your questions about the available programs at ODUGlobal.

Have questions? Contact us.

Medical laboratory assistant stands in the lab smiling and holding her books


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