Why ODU for Public Health?

Play a critical role in improving the quality of life for local and global communities as a public health professional. Earn your Bachelor of Science in public health online.

ODU's online bachelor's program will prepare you for entry or advancement in public health and healthcare careers. You will learn the skills to:

  • improve community public health practices
  • communicate public health information to diverse audiences
  • assess the needs, resources, and capacity of public health programs
  • research and evaluate public health information

When you graduate, you will earn a Bachelor of Science in Public Health.

Is a Master of Public Health in your future? Well-qualified undergraduate students who continue straight from the public health bachelor's degree program into ODU's MPH program may apply up to 12 credit hours to both.


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Best Online Public Health Degrees, 2024 - Forbes Advisor

Program Information

30 Credit Hours
120 Credit Hours

To earn a bachelor's degree from ODU, you must complete at least 30 credits with us. This Bachelor of Science in Public Health requires 120 total credit hours.

Talk with our enrollment team to determine if you have credits that will transfer.

Explore Public Health Courses in the Catalog

Access course materials online from any location. Some classes will have live, regular online meeting times, while others will not. The instructor may schedule assignments and exams at specific times. All courses follow ODU's regular academic calendar.

30 Credit Hours
120 Credit Hours

To earn a bachelor's degree from ODU, you must complete at least 30 credits with us. This Bachelor of Science in Public Health requires 120 total credit hours.

Talk with our enrollment team to determine if you have credits that will transfer.

Explore Public Health Courses in the Catalog

Access course materials online from any location. Some classes will have live, regular online meeting times, while others will not. The instructor may schedule assignments and exams at specific times. All courses follow ODU's regular academic calendar.

Cost & Aid

Smiling woman in professional attire smiles in a casual office setting
Calculating Cost
In-state Virginia Residents
$408 per credit hour*
Out-of-State Students
$439 per credit hour

Active duty military students may qualify for a discounted undergraduate tuition rate.

These tuition rates are effective Fall 2024 and subject to change. 

* In-state rate assumes residency requirements are met.

The newest class of graduates through ODUGlobal celebrated commencement in May 2024.
Scholarship & Aid

Scholarship Opportunities

Healthcare Heroes: This scholarship lifts undergraduate students who will support others’ health by entering practitioner-based health care programs or disciplines that promote community and global health practices. Recipients are awarded $3,000 for the first semester of enrollment.

Health Sciences Enrollment Team

Our dedicated enrollment team will guide your transition to ODUGlobal.

Nikki Harris
Enrollment Coordinator
Mark Pryor
Mark Pryor
Enrollment Coordinator
Todd Marville
Todd Marville
Enrollment Coordinator

Ready to Apply?

Finish your degree with us. We offer the upper division (300 and 400 level) courses for this program. Our enrollment team will review your credits from other higher education institutions to determine what will transfer. Then you can apply toward a degree from ODU.

You also will need to submit a separate application to the BSPH program.

Get guaranteed admission at Old Dominion University

We've partnered with the Virginia Community College System and select educational institutions to make transferring easy. By applying, you will be assured admission at ODU for the completion of your degree.

Learn more about Guaranteed Admission to ODU