Most exams are taken online in ODU's learning management system. Some may require a proctor.

Check your course syllabus or ask your instructor if you aren't sure what kind of exams are required.

Don't wait until the last minute!
It's your responsibility to make sure your computer is compatible, you have all needed equipment, and to schedule an appointment to take the exam, if necessary. We're happy to help, but contact us as soon as possible so we can make sure you're ready.

Online Exams

With a high speed internet connection, a computer, and a quiet space where you can be alone, you can take your online exam from almost anywhere. The tips below will help you prepare.

Exams in Canvas

  1. Follow directions in your course syllabus.
  2. If your exam requires the Respondus Lockdown browser, review our Respondus LockDown Browser Guide (PDF).

Exams through SmarterProctoring

SmarterProctoring is a service within Canvas. It allows faculty to make a variety of proctoring options available to you. Options may include:

  • Automated proctoring
  • Live online proctoring
  • Testing centers
  • Third-party proctors

If your class is using SmarterProctoring, your instructor will let you know which exams should be scheduled through this service and which proctoring options are available.

Learn How to Schedule Exams through SmarterProctoring

Engineering Management (MEM) by Portable Media

Students taking MEM courses by portable media will take proctored exams. Depending on your situation, you may need to secure a proctor yourself. Please visit the MEM Procedures page for all the details.