You just finished (or are almost finished) with your degree. Congratulations! You worked hard, and now it’s time to put that knowledge to work for you.
A smiling, young African American man arrives at his new job holding a box of items for his new office.

You just finished (or are almost finished) with your degree. Congratulations! You worked hard and now it’s time to put that knowledge to work.

If you’re graduating with a new degree and are ready to join or rejoin the work force with a brand new career, these tips are for you.

If you’re in a job you already love and are hoping for a promotion, additional duties, or more responsibilities, these tips will also help.

1. Get that resume in tip-top shape.

There are plenty of resources available online, but for a fresh and specialized look at your résumé consult Old Dominion University’s Career Development Services. Visit their website for more information about their services and tips for success. From their website, you can email or live chat with someone from Career Development Services and get ready to apply!

2. Clean up your social media and adjust your permissions.

A night out with friends is a fun memory on social media, but be mindful of the impression it may make on future employers. Review all of your social media accounts, taking the content and your privacy settings into consideration. What can your potential future employer see if he or she decides to look you up on Instagram?

Having a social life and a personality is fine, but keep in mind that some shared images might not represent who you are professionally, and that’s what you want your future boss to see!

3. Do some research on your industry.

It’s always good to go into an interview prepared. Many companies have internship programs designed for you to do some work for the company, but mostly to train you. Look into the organizations you’re interested in as well as the industry as a whole.

What trends are emerging? What do you hope to learn? Where do you want your career to go? Having these topics and questions in your pocket will make you stand out in a pool of applicants!

4. Ask for help.

Ask professionals in the field whom you may already know how you should prepare. Your professors in that subject may have some ideas as well. Each internship is different and all industries have their special nuance. If you know someone with boots on the ground in your chosen field, send them a quick email.

Professional groups on LinkedIn or Facebook offer other great opportunities. Just be careful when sending unsolicited emails or messages.

Internships and entry level positions are a great way to get footing in your chosen field. You can’t climb to the top without getting on the ladder. Don’t forget that the Career Development Center is a resource ready for you. Find out all they offer online or connect for expert advice, and good luck!


And if you’re looking for the education to get you going with a new career path, fill out the form below. We’ll give you a call, and together we’ll talk about your goals and how ODUGlobal can help you reach them. 

Have questions? Contact us.

Medical laboratory assistant stands in the lab smiling and holding her books


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