I'm a campus student, and I want to take an online course, but there are no WC/WEB2 seats available.
Campus Students and Online Courses
Campus students who want to take an online class would register for the WC/WEB2 course section. If the WC/WEB2 course section is full, there are three options to consider:
Option 1
Register for an on-campus section of the course, if offered. This would require in-person attendance.
Option 2
Add yourself to the Wait List for the WC/WEB2 section. Wait lists are reviewed regularly. If seats become available, students on the wait list are notified in the order that they joined the wait list. Notices are sent to your ODU student email address, and you have 24 hours to enroll before the seat is offered to the next person on the wait list. A wait list can hold a maximum of 20 people.
Option 3
Consider whether you should switch to taking all your courses online. This would be a long-term change, similar to changing your major. As a fully online student who lives in Virginia, you would register for WC/WEB5 course sections. You would only take a face-to-face class on campus in rare circumstances. To make this change, please submit the Campus Change Request Form.
Online for Summer Only
If you are a campus student without Virginia residency and you live outside Virginia or the U.S. during the summer, you can make a temporary campus change that will allow you to register for online courses in the summer semester.
If you leave campus for the summer and live in Virginia, you do not need to complete this form. Please register for WC/WEB2 online course sections.
Switch Everything
If you are a campus student, you may encounter a situation where you need to take the rest of your program online. This could include a military deployment or a permanent move to another city for a new job. In this situation, you must first verify that your program is offered online. If it is not, then you must verify with your advisor/CDA/program director that the remaining courses you need to graduate are available online.
Students who only take online classes can also switch from being fully online to being a campus student.
In either case, your campus change is intended to be a long term solution, similar to changing your major.
To change your campus, complete the Campus Change Request Form
Please check the FAQ below for more information. If you still have questions, you are welcome to contact campuschange@odu.edu for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
When you apply to ODU, you will indicate during the application process how you intend to take classes—in person or fully online. Based on your selection, you are assigned the appropriate campus upon admission. This campus assignment impacts which CRN (Course Registration Number) you may enroll in during course registration.
If you receive the registration error message "Campus restriction," it means that the campus/location of the CRN you selected does not match your current campus assignment. You need to select a different CRN.
The find the correct CRN:
- On the Banner Registration landing page, click on Prepare for Registration and find your campus assignment, which is listed under your Primary Curriculum.
- Go back to the Banner Registration landing page, and select Register Add/Drop/Withdraw and search for classes.
- In the Class Search results, check the Location listed for the section in the Meeting Times column (in some browsers hovering over the column will display all the information, or you can expand this column to display more information):
- WEB2/WC2: online sections for students whose campus assignment is Norfolk main campus.
- WEB5/WC5: online sections for students whose campus assignment is Online in Virginia.
- WEB7/WC7: online sections for students whose campus assignment is Online outside Virginia or Online outside the United States.
- You may not register for online sections that give a "campus restriction" error message -- you must choose the correct section for your campus assignment.
If your campus assignment is incorrect, please use the Campus Change Request Form to request a campus change.
- Campus change requests must be made prior to the start of classes. Campus changes cannot be made for past semesters.
If you only wish to make the change temporarily (you intend to return to your original campus in the future), then no campus change is needed.
Main campus students can take all online classes (the building location will note “WEB2” instead of a classroom) or a mix of online and in-person. Online course availability and tuition rates are the same for Virginia residents, whether they study on campus or online.
Please feel free to adjust your schedule as needed to include as many online options as are possible for you. If you have trouble, you should contact your academic advisor or advising@odu.edu.
To request a transition from campus to online-only courses (or from online-only to campus), you will need to complete the Campus Change Request Form.
Once your form is submitted, the following steps will occur:
- Your request and your account will be reviewed to ensure the information you entered is accurate. If any clarification is needed, you will be contacted at your ODU email address provided and no change will occur until you respond. After one week of no response, the request will be discarded. Please be sure you enter the correct information on your form!
- We will check that the program you are in can be completed on the campus you have selected.
- Not all campus programs can be completed online. You can view the most up to date list of fully online programs: bachelor degree programs, master degree programs, doctorate & education specialist programs.
- If there is a concern, you will be contacted at your ODU email address and no change will occur until you respond. After one week of no response, the request will be discarded.
- If you need to change your major, please contact your advisor directly or advising@odu.edu for assistance prior to submitting a campus change request.
- We will check your enrollments.
- If you are already enrolled in the term for which you requested a change, no changes can be made. You will be contacted at your ODU email address and no change will occur until you respond. After one week of no response, the request will be discarded.
- If all information was entered correctly on the form and no concerns exist, then the request will be processed in the student information system and the following steps will occur:
- You will be contacted at your ODU email address to confirm your request was processed.
- If you are an undergraduate, you will also be provided with new advising contact information. Graduate students should continue working with their GPD or previously assigned advising contact if they need curriculum/registration support.
- You will then be eligible to register for classes under your new campus code.
An online program is one that has been purposefully developed to be delivered via ODU’s online technologies. Some bachelor's programs are offered as “full” (meaning every required course in the program is offered online from start to finish), while others are offered as “degree completion” (meaning only the final two years of coursework are offered online with students typically having completed the first two years at their local community college).
Sometimes, students may find that their program is not listed as an available online option, but the courses that they need to graduate are offered in an online format. In such situations, students may be able to complete their degree online even if the program was not designed to be completed this way. This is handled on a case-by-case basis.
If you wish to change your major, please contact your current advisor to request this. If you are currently a main campus student, contact advising@odu.edu. If you are currently an online student, you can also contact ODUGlobalAdvising@odu.edu.
Students who do not register for three consecutive semesters (one calendar year) will have an inactive account effective with the 4th term. We cannot update your campus assignment if your account is inactive for the term you want to change.
If you left ODU as a Norfolk campus student and now wish to return online:
- Submit an Undergraduate Returning Student Application (this can take 5-10 business days to be processed).
- Once your account has been made active by the Admissions Office, you must then activate your MIDAS account and your ODU Student Email.
- After your accounts and email have been activated, you may request a change of campus.
If you left ODU as an online student and now wish to return as a campus student:
- Access or create an account in the Future Monarch Portal.
- Click the "My Applications" tab to start a new application and select “Undergraduate Returning Student Application”.
- Once your account has been made active by the Admissions Office, you must also activate your MIDAS account and your ODU Student Email.
- After your accounts and email have been activated, you may request a change of campus.
Please keep in mind: Once you have submitted your Returning Student Application, it may take up to 10 business days (2 weeks) to be processed. Please be certain your MIDAS account is active again before submitting a campus change request.
If you are an undergraduate newly admitted student, please contact the Admissions team directly to request this change. The team will need to change your admitted student type in order to correctly update your campus. This will impact your orientation to the University as well as your advising assignment.
Please remember, not all campus programs can be completed online. You can view the most up to date list of fully online degree programs here. Only these programs are available to be completed online.
Some scholarships can be impacted by campus assignment. We recommend first checking your award letters and/or contacting the Office of Financial Aid to determine if there will be any impact on your award.
You must not be enrolled in any classes prior to requesting a campus change. If you registered for class, you must drop those classes prior to requesting this change. No changes can be made if you are already enrolled.
Yes, changes to campus assignment can also have an impact on your bill. Tuition is assessed by a combination of residency and campus. You can view current tuition and fee rates to determine the impact on your bill.
Please visit this site to learn more about applying for in-state tuition. ODUGlobal Undergraduate and Graduate tuition costs follow normal domicile rules.
Also keep in mind, some scholarships can be impacted by campus assignments. If in doubt, it’s best to check your award letters and/or contact the Office of Financial Aid first to determine if there will be any impact on your award.
Please contact Housing & Residence Life directly with any questions regarding applying for on-campus housing or canceling existing agreements.