Learning objectives are the foundation of online course design and should be the driving force when considering your assessments, learning activities, and instructional materials. The goal is not for students to know something just for the sake of knowing it. Rather, we want student learning to be relevant to overall course goals and future pursuits. 

The following resources can be used to assist when prepping measurable and observable objectives.

Course vs. Module Learning Objectives

Course Learning Objectives are broader in scope than module learning objectives and precisely describe what students will learn at the course level. They define what a student should be able to do upon successfully completing the course.

Module Learning Objectives are written to support the course learning objectives. They describe specific, discrete units of knowledge (or skill) that can be accomplished in a short time frame, such as a module. 

In both cases, learning objectives require the use of an action verb and a noun to make them measurable and/or observable.

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy is a widely-used framework in education that categorizes cognitive skills into levels, providing educators with a guide to design learning objectives and assessments that promote higher-order thinking.

Tools for Writing Learning Objectives

The NOVA Extended Learning Institute has a Learning Objectives resource that provides guidance and templates for creating clear and concise learning objectives, ensuring alignment with course content and assessments.

The ASU Learning Objective Builder is an interactive tool for educators to develop customized learning objectives by selecting appropriate action verbs and specifying desired cognitive levels, streamlining the process of objective creation for instructional planning.

ODU Templates

Digital Innovation has several templates to assist faculty developers as they undertake the course development process. The learning objective templates below are used in conjunction with course maps and outlines to ensure that all aspects of an online course are clearly defined. Login Required.