Kourtney Ligon is studying Health Services Administration with ODUOnline. In her spare time, she helps set the standard for medical radiation therapy for the entire country.
Ligon lives in Lynchburg, Virginia and is earning her degree with ODU completely online. For the past two years, she joined the American Society of Radiological Professionals as a Virginia chapter delegate. The ASRP annual meeting gathers leaders in the radiological field to discuss, debate, and vote on bylaws for clinical practices and educational standards.
Ligon is a nationwide leader now, but like many ODUOnline students her path has been non-traditional. She started studying radiography at Central Virginia Community College, graduating in 2012. From there she got a full-time job and started working on her pre-requisites to get her Bachelor’s degree from ODU. She works as an MRI technologist and has served on the board of directors of the VSRP since 2012. For the last two years, she was both president of the Virginia chapter and a delegate at the national meeting in Las Vegas.
Although it’s a lot of work juggling her full-time job, studies, and the VSRP, she says it’s worth it. “We can make a difference!” she says.
To fellow and future students who are inspired by her success, Ligon says, “take a couple of classes at a time. It's a little difficult to work full time and take a full load of classes, but don't beat yourself up. Take your time and enjoy your classes!”
Do you see yourself following in Kourtney's footsteps? Check out ODUOnline's programs to see what can fit into your busy life and help you meet your goals. Visit online.odu.edu or call 1-800-968-2638 to get started today!