President John Broderick couldn’t be there in person to give Old Dominion’s March Employee of the Month Award to Beth Vipperman, but he was able to make the presentation in real time via the University’s distance learning technology.
For the first time in the award program’s history, the monthly honor went to an ODU distance learning site employee. Vipperman is the Assistant Site Director at ODU’s Wytheville Community College site, which is about a 350-mile drive from the Norfolk campus.
Using two-way audio and one-way video feed, Broderick presented the award virtually to Vipperman from the Gornto Center’s first-floor studio the afternoon of March 29. The event was broadcast to all of ODU’s distance learning sites.
Douglas Brown, the ODU Site Director at WCC and Vipperman’s supervisor, nominated her for the recognition. Calling her “truly an asset to my office, the DL unit and Old Dominion University,” Brown cited numerous reasons for nominating Vipperman, several of which relate to her computer skills.
“In 2009-2010 under the guidance of our regional director, Beth created an ‘Instructional Response’ spreadsheet that is now used throughout distance learning in the event of site closings due to weather, illness or other extenuating circumstances,” he wrote. “This document allows for an easy ‘transition’ for students being allowed live video-streaming access to classes.”
Last year, he added, Vipperman converted the site’s curriculum sheets to Excel, which led to her creating templates of sheets for all distance learning undergraduate programs for the 2011-12 academic cycle.
“Students at our site comment on Beth’s willingness to help and the level of care that she shows when assisting them,” Brown added. “WCC administration, faculty and staff have also expressed positive feedback on Beth’s ability to work with them, provide quality information and assistance, and that she represents Old Dominion University in a very positive way.”
The nomination was accompanied by a number of letters of support.
Robert Curry, director of advising for ODU’s Office of Distance Learning, also cited Vipperman’s computer skills in developing the Excel format templates. He added: “In addition to her hard work at the site on behalf of Wytheville students, Beth is a valuable resource to the entire Distance Learning operation.”
Ronald Woodard, director of transfer services in the Office of Distance Learning, wrote: “She is very professional in her interactions with advisors on the main campus and is a constant source for technical advice as we work to develop operational systems in support of advising and student support services. Ms. Vipperman willingly takes on tasks beyond her normal duties. Her work ethic is considerable and she serves as a prime example of a true team player.”
Terri Wheaton, ODU’s Roanoke Site Director whose office is at Virginia Western Community College, also wrote in support of the nomination.
“In my role as Regional Director for the southwest region of distance learning, I am keenly aware of the many strengths of the employees reporting directly or indirectly to me. Where there are opportunities for the implementation of new and creative ideas, Beth is instinctively my choice to undertake these projects,” she said.
“She has served on staff interview selection committees, currently serves as a peer mentor and is seen by students at her location as competent and compassionate. Beth possesses an unusually high level of personal and professional initiative that continues to support her site director, her students and the distance learning unit in the most excellent manner.”
Vipperman, who initially worked as a distance learning hourly employee for two years, has been the WCC assistant site director since 2007. She received an ODU bachelor’s degree in human services in 2006.