Military Pathway Information

This military pathway outlines degree requirements that may be satisfied by military training and experience or exams, as well as requirements that must be satisfied through courses taken at Old Dominion University.

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Requirements Potentially Met Outside the Classroom

Where indicated, a passing CLEP or DSST examination score will satisfy the ODU course requirement.

A student may forego the CLEP or DSST option and satisfy the requirements by taking the actual courses. If a course is taken elsewhere, check first for transfer equivalency in ODU's Transfer Equivalency Tool.

Prior learning credit is also available in specific situations at a cost of 20-50% of the current tuition rate. Prior learning credit may not be paid for by military tuition assistance (TA). Prior learning credit cannot exceed 60 credit hours.

Lower Division General Education Requirements

Military Course, Certification, Experience or ExamODU Equivalent CourseCredits
CLEP College Composition (NOT Modular)ENGL 110C English Composition3
DSST Technical WritingENGL 231C Writing, Rhetoric, and Research: Special Topics3
Instructor, career counselor, recruiter, select specialtiesCOMM 101R Public Speaking3
CLEP Precalculus and CalculusMATH 162M Precalculus I and MATH 200 Calculus for Business and Economics6
CLEP Foreign Languages or military linguist or DLIFLC gradLanguage and Culture requirement*6
Current or previous E6-E9STEM 251G Computer Literacy: Communication and Information3
CLEP Any Social Science exam except Educational PsychHuman Behavior requirementMet in major
CLEP Any History examInterpreting the Past requirement3
CLEP American or Analyzing & Interpreting LiteratureLiterature requirement3
CLEP BiologyNature of Science requirement8
Subtotal: 38 credits

*ODU’s Language and Culture requirement can be satisfied by three years of a foreign language or two years of two foreign languages in high school. Students whose native language is not English are exempt from taking a foreign language for general education.

Department or Major Requirements

Military Course, Certification, Experience or ExamODU Equivalent CourseCredits
CLEP or DSST multiple choicesElectives to meet 120 total creditsvarious
CLEP Financial AccountingACCT 201 & 202 Principles of Financial & Managerial Accounting6
CLEP Introductory Business LawFIN 331 Legal Environment of Business3
CLEP Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 201S Principles of Macroeconomics3
CLEP Principles of MicroeconomicsECON 202S Principles of Microeconomics3
CLEP Principles of MarketingMKTG 311 Marketing Principles and Problems3
Current or previous E6-E9 or DSST Principles of SupervisionSEPS 302 Workforce Supervision (meets elective requirement)3
Current or previous E7-E9 or CLEP Principles of ManagementMGMT 325 Contemporary Organizations and Management3
Current or previous E8-E9MGMT 300-level elective3
Current or previous E9MGMT 410 Leadership in Organizations3
DSST Human Resource ManagementMGMT 340 Human Resource Management3
DSST Principles of FinanceFIN 323 Introductory Financial Management3
Subtotal: 36+ credits

Total requirements potentially met outside classroom: 74+ credits

Requirements Met at ODU or Elsewhere

A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at ODU and 120 credits gained in total to earn this degree.

Business Administration Core Requirements

BNAL 206 Business Analytics I3
BNAL 306 Business Analytics II3
BUSN 110 Introduction to Contemporary Business1
ECON 301 Managerial Economics3
Human Creativity requirement3
IT 360T Principles of Information Technology (meets Impact of Technology requirement)3
MGMT 485W Business Policy and Strategy3
OPMT 303 Operations Management3
PHIL 230E Introduction to Ethics or any upper level “E” course (meets Philosophy and Ethics requirement)3
Subtotal: 25 credits

Management Requirements

MGMT 330 Organizational Behavior3
MGMT 361 International Business Operations3
Select up to four MGMT or ENTR electives not met elsewhere6-12
Select one 200-400 level and one 300-400 level free elective not met elsewhere0-6
Subtotal: 24

Total requirements met at ODU or elsewhere: 49 credits

Total credits for degree: 120

Next Steps

Review Program Information

Learn more about our Management BSBA online degree program.

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Military Student Services

From credit for your experience to flexible learning options, ODUGlobal can help fit education into your life. Learn more about how we support active-duty military and veteran students.