Military Pathway Information

This military pathway outlines degree requirements that may be satisfied by military training and experience or exams, as well as requirements that must be satisfied through courses taken at Old Dominion University.

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An active duty servicemember prepares for class at a laptop on a desk.

Requirements Potentially Met Outside the Classroom

Where indicated, a passing CLEP or DSST examination score will satisfy the ODU course requirement.

A student may forego the CLEP or DSST option and satisfy the requirements by taking the actual courses. If a course is taken elsewhere, check first for transfer equivalency in ODU's Transfer Equivalency Tool.

Prior learning credit is also available in specific situations at a cost of 20-50% of the current tuition rate. Prior learning credit may not be paid for by military tuition assistance (TA). Prior learning credit cannot exceed 60 credit hours. 

Lower Division General Education Requirements

Military Course, Certification, Experience or ExamODU Equivalent CourseCredits
CLEP College Composition (NOT Modular)ENGL 110C English Composition3
DSST Technical WritingENGL 231C Writing, Rhetoric, and Research: Special Topics3
Instructor, recruiter, career counselor, select specialtiesCOMM 101R Public Speaking3
DSST Principles of StatisticsSTAT 130M Elementary Statistics3
CLEP Foreign Languages or military linguist or DLIFLC gradLanguage and Culture requirement*6
(CLEP for 201 & 202 may meet additional 6 credits for BA only)(6)
CLEP Introductory SociologySOC 201S Introduction to Sociology3
CLEP Any one of six History examsInterpreting the Past requirement3
CLEP American or Analyzing & Interpreting LiteratureLiterature requirement3
CLEP BiologyNature of Science requirement8
Subtotal: 35-41 credits

*ODU’s Language and Culture requirement can be satisfied by three years of a foreign language or two years of two foreign languages in high school. Students whose native language is not English are exempt from taking a foreign language for general education.

Department, Major or Core Requirements

Military Course, Certification, Experience or ExamODU Equivalent CourseCredits
CLEP Introductory PsychologyPSYC 201S Introduction to Psychology3
CLEP Any remaining Social Sciences exam except Ed PsychAdditional Human Behavior requirement for BS only3
CLEP or DSST multiple choicesUpper- or Lower-Division General Education requirementsvarious
CRJS specialty (MA, MP, etc.) serving in a CRJS-related billet CRJS 368 Internship (requires department internship director approval)1-6
Current or previous E6 or DSST Principles of SupervisionSEPS 302 Workforce Supervision3
Faculty review of exam scores and military/college transcriptsElective requirements to meet 120 credit minimum totalvarious
Navy MA, Coast Guard ME, Army MPCRJS 222 The Criminal Justice System3
Navy MA, Coast Guard ME, Army MPCRJS 262 Law and the Criminal Justice System3
Subtotal: 16+ credits

Credit for Rating:

  • E7 earns MGMT 325.
  • E8 earns MGMT 325 & 330.
  • E9 earns MGMT 325, 330, and 410.

Total requirements potentially met outside classroom: 51+ credits

Requirements Met at ODU or Elsewhere

A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at ODU and 120 credits gained in total to earn this degree.

Students double majoring in criminal justice and sociology (or vice versa) may use a maximum of five cross-listed courses for both majors. Students with a major in criminal justice and a minor in sociology (or vice versa) cannot use any cross-listed course to meet requirements for both the major and minor.

Criminal Justice Lower-Division General Education or Foundation Requirements

CRJS 215S Introduction to Criminology3
CRJS 426W Criminological Theory3
CRJS 436 Capstone Research Project3
Human Creativity requirement3
Information Literacy and Research requirement3
Impact of Technology requirement3
Philosophy and Ethics requirement3
SOC 337 Social Research Methods3
Subtotal: 24 credits

Criminal Justice Major Requirements

Stratification Course - Select one of six SOC courses from catalog3
Upper-Level Law Component - Select one of five CRJS courses from catalog3
Select up to six Criminal Justice 300-400 level electives; up to six hours of internship coursework may be used12-18
Elective requirements not satisfied elsewhere to meet 120 credit minimum various
Subtotal: 18+ credits

Total requirements met at ODU or elsewhere: 42+ credits

Total credits for degree: 120

Next Steps

Review Program Information

Learn more about our Criminal Justice online bachelor's degree program.

Explore Military Pathways

ODU has dozens of pathways for a wide variety of degree programs.

Explore more pathways on our Military Pathways page.

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Military Student Services

From credit for your experience to flexible learning options, ODUGlobal can help fit education into your life. Learn more about how we support active-duty military and veteran students.