Old Dominion University continues to be a pioneer in digital learning. Our distance learning expertise predates the internet, starting in the mid-1980s with courses offered on U.S. Navy ships deployed around the globe.
Since those first pieces of portable media, we've grown into a robust program supporting Old Dominion University's academics for students all over the country and abroad.
Humble Beginnings
Our original satellite delivery program, TELETECHNET, was officially established in 1994. It was part of a partnership with the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) to provide higher education to students at a distance. This partnership was, and continues to be, especially important in areas with limited educational opportunities. TELETECHNET used satellites to transmit classroom broadcasts from our main campus in Norfolk, Virginia to partner sites around the country in the form of interactive television.
Programs Grow
In 2010, the University presented the Office of Distance Learning with a challenge. ODU wished to expand online degree programs with classes that didn't require live attendance. We encouraged departments and faculty to develop programs with asynchronous online courses. We also began the transition away from satellites to video streaming and web conferencing.
Goodnight, Satellites
In fall 2014, we said goodbye to our satellite system. All programs that had been broadcast via satellite were now available online, and new programs were being developed to expand our offerings.
Partners in Success
Our partnership with VCCS remains valuable in meeting the needs of our students. Many partners allow students to seamlessly transfer to ODU to finish their bachelor's degree, saving them time and money. In addition, partners provide access to computer labs, high speed internet, library services, and more.
Reach Around the World
Our current learning network includes over 50 partners throughout Virginia and around the country, some as far as Arizona and Washington State. Our student population includes students across Virginia and the United States and international students around the world. While the class format has changed over the years, we still have a large number of military students studying on bases and on U.S. Navy ships at sea.